Jack Kavanaugh-Leading Business Executive

Jack Kavanaugh is an esteemed doctor and a business leader in the field of biotechnology and media. All through his career, Dr. Jack Kavanaugh served as Chairman of the board, CEO, and co-founder of the revolutionized health-based technologies. He also founded and led other firms such as Calhoun Vision to provide advanced health treatments. He started his career as a dentist. In a major accident, he broke his leg and neck, due to which he could not continue his practice in dentistry. This major turning point in his life took him to the path of higher education to earn an M.B.A. degree. Then, he started working in mergers and acquisitions. Later on, Dr. Kavanaugh, along with one partner, founded International Strategy Consulting Group, which is an M.B.A. consultation and management firm. Kavanaugh shifted his career into private investing and concurrently earned his M.D. degree from U.S.C. and also completed his surgical residency at Jules Stein Institute. Besides, D...